Debate over whether teachers should toilet-train toddlers
Schools are 'pushing back' on their involvement in toilet training and hope kids no longer need nappies by the time they're in Reception
by Edward Oldfield, Sarah McGeeTeachers are questioning whether it's their job to toilet-train toddlers at nursery.
According to Devon Live , the issue came up in a discussion of children's health and education services provided by a council in Devon, as councillors understood that some children were going to school in nappies.
Rachael Williams, assistant director of education, said the age of the child was an important factor in the discussion.
She added that some nurseries accept children from the age of two and that it was "quite" normal for this age group to still wear nappies.
However, schools are "pushing back" on their involvement in toilet training, hoping kids are out of nappies by the time they're in Reception.
Ms Williams added: "If they are arriving in reception and they have not been toilet-trained, that is a very different scenario.
“They are few and far between, examples where children have not been toilet-trained when going into reception classes.
"What schools are pushing back on is their part in getting involved in toilet training, if they are accepting children in their nurseries at the age of two."
The National Day Nurseries Association recommend that organisations have a clear potty/toilet-training policy in place, so parents are aware of the expectations.
On their website it says: “It is really important that childcare practitioners work closely with parents to support children with potty training - especially as there has been a rise in the number of children going to school who are not toilet-trained.”
Speaking to Wales Online, one Reception teacher from Coventry said teachers shouldn't be expected to potty-train children unless a child has an educational need or disability.
She said: "I think every parent should potty-train their child before coming to school.
"Unless a child has an SEN (Special Educational Need) in which they are unable to start potty training, in which case, a teacher should help these children to become independent."
NHS advice
The NHS also have potty-training recommendations, saying some children will be potty-trained by the age of two but this is still quite early and children progress at different rates.
They offer the following information and advice:
By age 1: Most babies have stopped doing poos at night;
By age 2: Some children will be dry during the day, but this is still quite early;
By age 3: 9/10 children are dry most days – even then, all children have the odd accident, especially when they're excited, upset or absorbed in something else;
By age 4: Most children are reliably dry during the day.
When getting ready for potty training, the NHS recommend using a potty to get children used to the idea and consider using pull-ups and potty-training pants in case of accidents.
The NHS also say: Using a potty is a new skill for your child to learn. It's best to take it slowly and go at your child's pace. Being patient with them will help them get it right, even if you sometimes feel frustrated.
“Children are able to control their bladder and bowels when they're physically ready and when they want to be dry and clean. Every child is different, so it's best not to compare your child with others.
The advice adds: “It usually takes a little longer for children to learn to stay dry throughout the night.
“Although most learn this between the ages of 3 and 5, up to 1 in 5 children aged 5 sometimes wet the bed.”