Ayrshire teacher is crowned world natural bodybuilding champion
Ross Taylor, 30, is now able to compete for money alongside the biggest names in the sport after earning a pro-card.
by Eric McGowan, https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/authors/eric-mcgowan/A PE teacher from Irvine has been crowned a bodybuilding world champion.
Ross Taylor, 30, won the World Natural Bodybuilding Bantamweight title at a glamorous finals event in New York last week.
Now he’s able to compete for money alongside the biggest names in the sport after earning a pro-card.
Ross, who won the British lightweight title in October, admits he put his life on hold for six months to prepare for the event.
He juggled married life and an intense fitness and diet programme with his job at St Matthew’s Academy in Saltcoats.
“It was tough but definitely worth it, he said.
“Everyone’s been great especially my wife Stacey. The kids at school have given me a bit of a rinsing about my fake tan though!”
Ross insists he’ll bide his time before muscling in on the professional circuit and money-spinning events.
He’ll worry about that in a years’ time as he puts family and work life first again after a crazy 2019.
“The way the pro-card works you have to compete within the next two years if you don’t want to lose it,” said Ross who teaches PE at St Matthew’s Academy in Saltcoats.

“I’ll be taking 2020 off and then going again in 2021.
“It’s been a really tough six months, not just for me but my wife Stacey.
“It’s been six days a week in the gym, and 28 weeks of dieting with no cheat meals to get ready.
“There were moments I wanted to jack it all in but Stacey kept me going.
“She’s been really understanding about everything I’ve had to do to prepare myself.
“We actually met at the gym so she knows the mentality you need to adopt .
“She couldn’t be with me in New York but there were tears shed from both us when I won.
“I still don’t think it’s actually sunk in yet but I’m over the moon.”
Ross also admits he owes a massive deal of gratitude to the coaches at Irvine’s Fitness Factory – where he trains – who helped get him in tip-top condition.
“David Jackson and John Montgomery have been coaching me since I was a teenager and the time and effort they’ve put into me has been unbelievable, he added. “Without their help and dedication I wouldn’t have been able to come this far."

Ross’ fascination with fitness began when he was 15 but he really started taking it seriously when he turned 21.
Four years later he was crowned Scottish champion but he then took the decision to take some time away from the sport.
Last year, he decided to pour his heart and soul back into it, juggling his preparations with married life and his teaching job.
Ross went on: “Everyone at the school was brilliant and very supportive of me.
“I basically have to eat constantly when I’m training and the school staff always made sure I had first dibs at the microwave at break and lunchtimes.
“When I got back from New York the headteacher made a wee announcement over the tannoy which was really nice.
“The pupils have been great with me too.
“I’ve been getting the Shannon Briggs chant ‘Let’s go Champ’ quite a bit which has been funny."