Google Messages fight against spam with verified SMS - Gizchina.com
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The verified SMS has arrived on Google messages beta version. It will offer users a new option to protect themselves from spam and phishing attacks. The thing is that users will be able to see messages from verified contacts. The function will be active by default.
Google messages will get verified SMS
The feature only works when an SMS appears to be sent by a verified business. Google will use authenticity codes to verify each SMS you receive to alert you of any spoofing attempt or misleading content, and thus save you from clicking on dangerous links or giving away your sensitive information to iffy sites. This verification uses a unique hash created based on your phone number, the business, and the message’s content. Every unique hash is created on your device, then sent to Google which compares it against the one it received in parallel from the verified business.

Verified messages will show a dedicated icon that will help the user to distinguish them. It will be possible to deactivate them from the app settings, although for obvious reasons Google does not recommend it. For the moment, however, the 5.3.075 version of the app is now available in the beta channel. Specifically in the latest distribution version. We do not know if the feature will be available globally or it will be available only in certain markets. The official support page that talks about it is only in English, but being still only Beta there is not much to be surprised.