The TrueAchievements Twelve Days of Christmas Challenge Returns for 2019
The TrueAchievements Twelve Days of Christmas Challenge Returns for 2019
By Sam Quirke, 29 Nov 2019
If you've been jonesing for a new Community Challenge and another profile badge to go along with it, we've got good news – the TrueAchievements Twelve Days of Christmas Challenge is returning for 2019 – and it's starting this Monday, December 2nd.

What is The Twelve Days of Christmas 2019 Community Challenge?
Each day starting from Monday, December 2nd through to Friday, December 13th, the TA Community and Events team are going to reveal a new challenge at 10:00am UTC. The mini challenges will involve unlocking certain types of achievements – for example unlocks from a certain genre, or achievements that have a certain flag or gamerscore value. Each consecutive challenge will require one more achievement to be unlocked than the last, just like the Christmas carol. You can keep track of each new daily challenge by checking the news story on the TA homepage, or by checking the event hub once the challenge is live.
To make things a little easier, you have until the end of December to complete the full set of 12 challenges – you don't have to complete them on the day they come out. You also don't need to worry about other unrelated achievements you unlock on the way to completing a certain challenge – you won't break your challenge streak by unlocking something that doesn't meet the requirements. However, you do have to complete each challenge in order to unlock the next one – achievements won't count towards the challenge for Day 8, for example, if you have only completed up to Day 4.
Once you've registered for the event you will find a panel on your homepage that will always display the current challenge you are working on. Underneath will be a link to all of the locked achievements in your Game Collection that could satisfy the current requirement.
How to Register for The Twelve Days of Christmas Community Challenge
Registration for the Twelve Days of Christmas Community Challenge is now open!
Just head over to the Twelve Days of Christmas hub and hit the "Register now" button on the right-hand side of the page to join in.
Players can continue registering throughout the event but all of the daily challenges must be completed by 01:00am UTC on January 1st for them to count.
Is There a Prize?
Everyone who manages to complete the entire list of challenges before January 1st at 01:00am UTC will get a Community Challenge badge on their profile (or a colour upgrade to the existing badge, for those that have participated in our challenges in the past).
Useful Links
- Twelve Days of Christmas Community Challenge Hub
- Twelve Days of Christmas Community Challenge Leaderboard
- Twelve Days of Christmas Community Challenge Forum
- Twelve Days of Christmas FAQ
We hope you enjoy this festive event from the Community and Events Team. Happy Holidays!
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Written by Sam Quirke
Sam has been a Newshound since 2016 and is now the Editor for both TrueAchievements and TrueTrophies. He loves gaming on all devices and in all genres. He remains a stubborn Assassin's Creed and Pokémon fan.