JB Hi-Fi Is Flogging Anthem For $4, Which Still Isn't Worth It
by Alex Walker
Even when they don't mean to, JB still finds a way to be savage to Anthem.
As part of their Black Friday deals, JB are flogging all versions of Anthem for $4. That's staggering for a) a BioWare game which b) launched in February and, remarkably c) it's still not worth it, because a month of EA Access on PS4 or Xbox One costs you $5 a month, and the extra buck means you can play literally any other EA game for the same price. (Origin Access, the PC version of EA's subscription service, is a little pricer, but you can also pay $20 for a month and grab Jedi Fallen Order, so that's not a bad alternative.)
Poor Anthem has been brutalised over the last year. The game was so rushed that its own developers didn't know what the game was meant to be when it had that first major showing at E3. Weeks before the game's launch, EA redirect millions in marketing and appearance fees from Anthem into Apex Legends instead, which ended up being one of the smash hits of the year. As for Bioware's action adventure, major updates were then halted and cancelled entirely, with the studio reportedly looking at overhauling all of the game's systems completely.
Like Andromeda, the cost of grabbing Anthem now is so low that it would be hard not to get some enjoyment out of the game. But you could also get a lot more for your $4. Hell, three months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is cheaper than that. Would you really rather play Anthem over The Outer Worlds, Afterparty or Dishonored 2? Or hundreds of other games? Probably not.
Poor Anthem.